Monday, October 20, 2014

26 Seeds T-Shirt Design

It sure does take me a while to post on my blog! Life continues to be swift, and in the downtimes I get to play and do calligraphic artwork. This design is a collaboration of 12 calligraphers who are participating in the year-long Reggie Ezell class with me called "26 Seeds." We all contributed letters to this design. 

Here's the skinny on the thinking behind it:

The 26 Seeds just happen to be the 26 letters of the alphabet. We have been learning many variations of many calligraphic hands throughout this past year. The assignment I gave to all of us was to design two letters each, both being a rendition of any of the variations we learned. So, you have Carolingian, Italic, Brush Lettering, Roman Caps, and many more represented.

Since the 26 letters are the "seeds," they are sprouting/growing out of the planter.

Why does the planter say "I'm Fixin' To?" Reggie, upon entering the world of The Southerners here in North Carolina, kept hearing the phrase "I'm fixin' to....." and made sure he used it in every single session.

Every weekend session that we have has homework that goes with it. I, admittedly, did zero of the homework this time around. This t-shirt design, in my opinion, WAS my homework! It has only taken me two whole months to complete it. I hope it looks really good on the t-shirts

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